4 fun v Novem mestu in prvi nstop naše show skupine.
V Soboto 21.3.2009, na prvi spomladanski dan, ko vreme ni bilo nič kaj spomladansko, je bila v Novem mestu agility tekma 4fun. 4fun sem se uspela kar 4x diskvalificirat. Dvakrat z benom, ki se je odločil, da 4fun pa ne bo tekel in ni. Malo se je premaknil čez nekaj ovir in to je bilo to. Ampak če njemu tako paše, to je bila njegova tekma. S Polono smo se v naši show skupini pogovarjali, da bi prikazali kako se agilitya ne dela in Ben je to vzel preveč zares. spet sem si sposodila Conya, da sem vsaj malo še jaz uživala in se še z njim diskvalificirala. Pač nisem navajena na psa, ki kar šiba. Stari zmešani Cony je res zakon.
Med prvim in drugim tekom pa je naša show skupina prvič nastopila. Po petkovem treningu se čudim, da smo sploh kaj skupaj spravili. V resnici, pa je izgledalo kar dobro. Glede na to, da smo točko vadili 14 dni smo jo izvedli odlično. Malo se moramo še uskladiti in bomo perfektni.
Wow! That was amazing! I LOVED both the routines! Very upbeat & tight. All the dogs are so well trained! I think I see you in there. Not sure if that was you doing the 2nd demo. Is that you?
hoj, this was our first appearance and we were a little inconsistent. The next itme will be even better. In the second video is our coach. I am just part of the obstacles :)
Wow! That was amazing! I LOVED both the routines! Very upbeat & tight. All the dogs are so well trained! I think I see you in there. Not sure if that was you doing the 2nd demo. Is that you?
Belly jiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
hoj, this was our first appearance and we were a little inconsistent. The next itme will be even better. In the second video is our coach. I am just part of the obstacles :)
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